Our most anticipated yearly fundraiser is the Annual Dinner and Auction, where guests will enjoy delicious food and excellent company, a large silent auction, an exciting live auction and lots of entertainment in between. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce friends and family to Brant Christian School and there is something for everyone!  Allow us to serve you and treat you to a wonderful evening!

Held each year in early November, we invite you to support this event by purchasing a ticket, sponsoring an entire table, inviting your friends and family, donating an item or service to the auction, or by volunteering in some capacity.  Together, we can ensure that this fundraiser is a success and continues to bring life to Brant Christian School.  

Thanks for your support.  For more information, call the school at 403-684-3752.

Let's FIESTA! (28th Annual Dinner and Auction)

No time to siesta...Let's Fiesta! Our annual dinner and auction fundraiser is coming up on Saturday, November 2, 5:30pm at the Highwood Memorial Centre.  

Tickets go on sale at the end of September.  
If you already have an item or service you wish to donate to the cause, find our donation form here